“Developmental incompetency of denuded mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro is ooplasmic in nature and is associated with aberrant Oct-4 expression”
論文內容指出 “ 早期學者發現小鼠卵子發育至GV 時期,其受精及後續胚胎發育之生長因子皆已籌備完成,因此認為GV時期後的卵子不需要卵丘細胞的支持。” 但在在張醫師的研究中發現” oct-4 “在胚胎發育中扮演重要腳色。GV時期至MII時期的卵子在發育過程若有卵丘細胞的支持,其oct-4的表現在胚胎發育的過程中是正常的;反之若GV時期至MII時期,卵子沒有卵丘細胞支持,其oct-4的表現是相當混亂的。若使用這些沒有卵丘細胞支持的卵子進行受精後移植至母體體內並不能活產小鼠。
此篇論文發表致著名期刊 [Human Reproduction]中,世界著名生殖醫學專家 “Ryuzo Yanagimachi” 也因為張醫師所發表的這篇論文而改變他原本的想法及觀念並寄明信片致謝
近年這篇論文更被論文期刊中的權威 [ nature cell biology] 引用,引用張醫師文章的論文是 “Somatic cells regulate maternal mRNA translation and developmental competence of mouse oocytes” 。在這篇文章的參考資料中張醫師的論文是排在第六的位置。同時張醫師以前在紐約大學的同事 James A Grifo,寄信道賀張醫師的研究被世人認同。
這篇嶄新的論文除了被期刊中的權威 [ nature cell biology] 引用外還被許多期刊及教科書收錄,世界各地的學者一致認同張醫師的研究。以下是引用此篇論文的期刊及教科書
題目 |
第一作者 |
作者國籍 |
投稿期刊 |
impact factor |
自然受精及體細胞核移置兔胚之基因表現與發育潛能探討 |
陳建宏 |
台灣 |
台大生物科技研究所學位論文 |
0 |
单层细胞共培养对猪去卵丘卵母细胞体外成熟和孤雌发育的影响 |
顾晓龙 |
中國 |
《中国兽医学报》2011年 第4期 604-608页 |
0.661 |
山羊卵泡大小对卵母细胞体外发育能力的影响 |
吴志南 |
中國 |
《苏州大学学报:医学版》2009年 第5期 891-893页 共3页 |
0 |
Control of Oocyte Growth and Development by Intercellular Communication Within the Follicular Niche |
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Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Differentiation in Gonad Development pp 191-224 |
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The Use of Micromanipulation Methods as a Tool to Prevention of Transmission of Mutated Mitochondrial DNA |
HelenaFulka |
捷克 |
Current Topics in Developmental Biology Volume 77, 2007, Pages 187-211 |
4.677 |
A Method for Chronological Intravital Imaging of Bovine Oocytes during In Vitro Maturation |
Morten R. Petersen |
丹麥 |
Microscopy and Microanalysis 14, 549–560, 2008 |
1.73 |
Assessment of the developmental competence of human somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos by oocyte morphology classification |
Yang Yu |
中國 |
Human Reproduction, Vol.24, No.3 pp. 649–657, 2009 |
4.621 |
OCT-4 Gene Expression Pattern In Different Grades Of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Oocytes |
Ch. Srinivasa Prasad |
印度 |
Buffalo Bulletin (June 2010) Vol.29 No.2 |
0.067 |
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Zygote 21 (August), pp. 231–237. |
1.37 |
Coculturing denuded oocytes during the in vitro maturation of bovine cumulus oocyte complexes exerts a synergistic effect on embryo development |
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Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1064–1077 |
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智利 |
Endocrinology, 2013, 154(5):1885–1896 |
4.159 |
Cyclic AMP elevating agents promote cumulus cell survival and hyaluronan-matrix stability thereby prolonging the time of mouse oocyte fertilizability |
Monica Di Giacomo |
義大利 |
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291 (2016), pp. 3821-3836 |
4.258 |
Developmental Potential of Selectively Enucleated Immature Mouse Oocytes Upon Nuclear Transfer |
波蘭 |
2.141 |
Effects of cumulus cells on rabbit oocyte in vitro maturation |
Y. Tao |
中國 |
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 92 (2008) 438–447 |
1.212 |
Effects of Ooplasm Manipulation on DNA Methylation and Growth of Progeny in Mice |
Yong Cheng |
中國 |
BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 80, 464–472 (2009) |
3.471 |
Glen Laine |
美國 |
Biomedical Sciences |
- |
Effect of maturation medium on in vitro cleavage of canine oocytes fertilized with fresh and cooled homologous semen |
B. de A´ vila Rodrigues |
巴西 |
Zygote 15 (February), pp. 43–53. |
1.37 |
Injection of Mammalian Metaphase II Oocytes with Short Interfering RNAs to Dissect Meiotic and Early Mitotic Events |
Manami Amanai |
日本 |
BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 75, 891–898 (2006) |
3.471 |
Intrinsic quality of goat oocytes already found denuded at collection for in vitro embryo production |
Joanna Maria Gonçalves Souza-Fabjan |
法國 |
Theriogenology Nov;86(8 )2016 1–10 |
1.838 |
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Reproduction (2009) 138 527–535 |
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Maturation and Developmental Competence of Selectively Enucleated Germinal Vesicle Oocytes of Mammals upon nuclear transfer |
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英國 |
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.1 (Feb 2014) |
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Mechanisms contributing to the reduced developmental |
Cheryl J. Schelbach |
澳洲 |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2010, 22, 771–779 |
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Morphometric assessment of in vitro matured dromedary camel oocytes determines the developmental competence after parthenogenetic activation |
Islam M. Saadeldin |
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Theriogenology |
1.838 |
Mouse Cumulus-Denuded Oocytes Restore Developmental Capacity Completely When Matured with Optimal Supplementation of Cysteamine, Cystine, and Cumulus Cells |
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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 82, 759–768 (2010) |
3.471 |
Paracrine factors from cumulus-enclosed oocytes ensure the successful maturation and fertilization in vitro of denuded oocytes in the cat model |
Natasha M. Godard, M.Sc. |
美國 |
Fertility and Sterility Vol. 91, No. 5, Supplement, May 2009 |
4.426 |
Putrescine supplementation during in vitro maturation |
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中國 |
Reproduction, Fertility and Development |
2.135 |
Recovery of Functional Oocytes from Cultured Premeiotic Germ Cells After Kidney Capsule Transplantation |
Bo Chen |
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STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT Volume 22, Number 4, 2013 |
3.777 |
Somatic cells regulate maternal mRNA translation and |
Jing Chen |
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18.699 |
Spatial and temporal distribution of Oct-4 and acetylated H4K5 in rabbit embryos |
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Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2012) 24, 433– 442 |
2.796 |
The beneficial effects of cumulus cells and oocyte-cumulus cell gap junctions depends on oocyte maturation and fertilization methods in mice |
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中國 |
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1.0 |
The uterine environment modulates trophectodermal POU5F1 levels in equine blastocysts |
Y. H. Choi |
美國 |
Reproduction (2009) 138 589–599 |
3.184 |
無卵丘水牛卵母細胞體外成熟方法的初步探討 |
冯貴雪 |
中國 |
畜牧獸醫學報 2007, 38(6):614~619 |
0.593 |