張宏吉醫師專長為生殖醫學及不孕症,2000年任職於台大醫院婦產部生殖內分泌科擔任研修醫師期間,成功開發該院第一例小鼠卵子細胞之核移植及細胞融合(Nuclear Transfer & Cell Fusion)。2001年赴美國著名紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心(New York University, School of Medicine, Fertility Center)進行訪問學者研究,因研究成果屢屢創新,隨後由生殖醫學中心主持人(Dr. Jamie A. Grifo, MD, PhD)聘請擔任全職科學家。Dr. Grifo 於1993年完成美國第一例經胚胎著床前遺傳檢查 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) 排除遺傳疾病後而順利活產的知名醫師。紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心在其領導下,統計2001年到2005年期間,不包括卵子捐贈和胚胎著床前遺傳檢查,共完成6839例試管嬰兒療程,2004例活產數。優越的成果經Parents.com評選為全美十大優良生殖醫學中心。http://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/fertility/treatments/10-best-fertility-centers/
張宏吉醫師任職於紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心期間,於2002年成功開發小鼠精卵體外受精之動物模型(mouse model of in vitro fertilization), 此模型成為該醫學中心日後生殖醫學研究不可或缺之重要動物平台。2003年利用核移植技術研究,提出胚胎發育上重要蛋白質分子表現之証據, 成功反駁濾泡細胞在卵子最後成熟階段已不佔重要地位的傳統思路, 此成果已發表在該領域重要期刊(Human Reproduction)上。
2004年成功為該中心開發小鼠卵子玻璃化冷凍(cryopreservation of mouse egg by vitrification),並成功運用於人類臨床上,其活產成功率竟然與新鮮卵子完全相同,此舉為美國首例,鼓勵許多醫療機構競相投入,造福許多罹患癌症但仍希望保留生育能力之婦女以及因為生涯歸畫而希望保存生育能力的年輕婦女。
2005-8-8 紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心人類卵子冷凍技術發展成功之案例由著名美國國家電視網(NBC TV)報導, 列為晚間頭條新聞( NBC evening news, Frozen eggs may alter family planning)張醫師於影片中多次出現操作卵子冷凍前晚之卵子紡錘體檢查(Meiotic spindle exam by Polscope)。張醫師於2002-2007年,連續六年於人類生殖領域最重要會議:美國生殖醫學年會(American Society of Reproductive Medicine)發表十餘篇研究論文報告並多次於紐約大學醫學院婦產部年終學術會議發表演講。2008年由台北榮民總醫院婦產部部主任趙灌中醫師延攬回台, 目前擔任婦產部主治醫師。
紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心 http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/
紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心於其網頁列舉張宏吉醫師(Chang, HC)擔任全職科學家期間所發表的論文 http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/about/pub_detail.html?AU=grifoj01
紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心,2006年度試管嬰兒懷孕成功率報告 https://www.sartcorsonline.com/rptCSR_PublicMultYear.aspx?ClinicPKID=1895
個人學術文章發表 (Publication)
1. Chang HC, Grifo J, McCaffrey, Krey LC, Noyes N. (2007 ASRM) Using certain commercially available glass-bottomed dish with paraffin oil impacts the embryonic development of oocytes. [Abstract] Fertility & Sterility. 2007; 88: S310 (#J0130599).
2. Keegan DA, Krey LC, Chang HC and Noyes N. (2007) Increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension between in young recipients of oocyte donation.Fertility and Sterility. Apr;87(4):776-81.
3. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Noyes, N; Meng, L; Krey, L; Grifo, J. "Down regulatory effects of retinoid signaling on murine and human embryonic Oct-4 gene expression [Abstract]". Fertility & sterility. 2006; 86: S219 (#J0123967)
4. Chang, HC; Noyes, N; Lee, TL; Chin, A; Krey, L; Grifo, J. "Independent and sequential expression of Oct3A and Oct3B transcription factors in human preimplantation embryos [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123968)
5. Chang, HC; Grifo, J; Labella, P; Ampeloquio, E; Adler, A; Krey, L. "Oct3A and Oct3B immunostaining patterns in human 3PN zygotes and aneuploid embryos diagnosed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): Embryonic chromosome status can be independent of developmental competence [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123969)
6. Noyes, N; Chang, HC; Liu, H; Labella, P; Meng, L; Grifo, JA. "Presence of meiotic spindle predicts embryo competence following oocyte cryopreservation [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S64 (#J0123958)
7. Chang HC, Liu H,Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC.(2005) Developmental incompetency of denuded mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro is ooplasmic in nature and is associated with aberrant Oct-4 expression. Human Reproduction, July, Vol. 20, No.7, 1958-1968.
8. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Zhang, J; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. "Ooplasnnic factors are responsible for the developmental defects observed when immature cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes are denuded prior to maturation [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2004; 82: S10 (#J0078695)
9. Liu H, Chang HC, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. Metaphase II nuclei generated by germinal vesicle transfer in mouse oocytes support embryonic development to term.Human Reproduction, 2003 Sep;18(9):1903-1907.
10. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Blaszczyk, A; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. "Influences of mouse strain and culture media on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes [Abstract]". Fertility & sterility. 2003; 80: S266 (#J0101655)
11. Liu H, Krey LC, Zhang J, Chang HC, Grifo JA (2002) Germinal vesicle xeno-transfer between mouse and human oocytes: a model to study ooplasmic influences on meiotic division. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S O-202.
12. Chang HC, Liu H, Grifo JA, Krey LC (2002) Influences of Gonadotroping stimulation on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S P-458.
13. Chang HC, Wu MY, Ho HN, Yang YS (1996) Delayed delivery of surviving triplet after fetal reduction and spontaneous abortion. Journal of Formos Medical Association. Nov;95(11):881-4.